
Ministry -
The acts of Christian service, which leads men and women into fellowship with Jesus Christ, is considered ministry. To ensure that the spiritual life of the church is maintained, and the power of godliness is preserved, the church exhibits a divine call to the work of the ministry. For this cause the various groups are called ministries. ALL ministries assist the Pastor in building the kingdom of God on earth.

Pastoral Staff

Ministerial Staff - The mission of the ministerial staff is to assist the Pastor in building the kingdom of God on earth. The ministerial staff assists in equipping the members for the work of the ministry, so that the body of Christ might be edified. The ministerial staff is composed of those called into the gospel ministry. They make full proof of their calling in the gospel ministry, serving God, Pastor and Church, as associate Ministers, who teach, preach, and provide ministry care, as directed by the Pastor. The ministerial staff provides strength and help for the Pastor as he fulfills the vision God has given him. They execute all plans given by the Pastor, support the work of the Pastor, and are prepared to serve in all capacities. They further advance their ministry through continuous theological education and training. The ministerial staff also assists in the leading of Sacred Worship, assists the Pastor as Armour Bearers, and actively participates in the ministry through prayer, praise and public study of the Word of God. They assist the Pastor in baptism, serving the Lord’s Supper, and aiding the body of Christ, the sick, distressed, and unsaved.

Administrative Staff

Church Clerk – The church clerk is responsible for maintaining accurate church records, maintain minutes of Advisory Council, and at Quarterly Church Meetings. Provide monthly update on membership roster; provide certificates for Baptism, New Members, and special occasions. Carry out responsibilities of Church Secretary when the need occurs, provide monthly report at Advisory Council, and at Quarterly Church Meetings.

Church Secretary – The church secretary is responsible for preparing bulletins and programs for Sacred Worship and ALL occasions, Prepare Church Calendar, Prepare ALL outgoing mail (flyers, invitations), Correspond with Guest Ministers, Churches, and Lecturers, Maintain, restock office supplies and schedule ALL technical support for office equipment, order and coordinate hospitality items (flowers, cards, and fruit baskets), coordinate schedules for baby dedications and pre-marital counseling, meet with bereaved families and assist with Homegoing Celebration arrangements and, carry out responsibilities of Church Clerk when the need occurs.

Church Office Assistant – The church office assistant is responsible to the Pastor for office organizing, filing and maintaining church records, forms and correspondence as directed. Assist the Finance Committee as directed by the committee’s Chairperson or Treasurer, assist the Pastor and Deacon Ministry with Benevolence administration, compile New Member's packages consisting of New Member Orientation Study Guide, Constitution, and Calendar, maintaining no less than twenty (20) packages at any time. Assist the Church Ministry Secretaries as needed, order and maintain office supplies and schedule all technical support for office equipment as directed, phone in all office equipment register readings as scheduled and maintain record of calls made, maintain a neat and clean office environment at all times, be pleasant, sensitive, and helpful to all that enter or call the church for ministry business or need and, assist the Church Clerk and Church Secretary as needed.


Deacon Ministry - The mission of the Deacon Ministry is to act as Armour Bearers, assisting the Pastor in carrying out the ministries and programs of the church. The Deacon Ministry is responsible for leading the devotional services; assisting in the administration of finances; provide ministry care; promote peace and harmony; make provisions for the administration of Baptism. They assist in administering Holy Communion; visitation of the sick and shut-in; supporting the Sunday School, Bible Study, Prayer Service, and all church programs. The Deacons promote Christian instruction and minister to the members of the church.

Deaconess Ministry - The mission of the Deaconess Ministry is to assist the Pastor and Deacon Ministry in the support of the church body. The Deaconess Ministry is responsible for assisting in the administering of Holy Communion; assisting in Baptism Services; visitation of the sick and shut-in; providing spiritual guidance and as well as provide ministry care to the women of the church. The Deaconess promotes Christian instruction and minister to the members of the church.

Trustee Ministry - The mission of the Trustee Ministry is to keep and maintain God and Jesus Christ in the forefront of all business transactions. The Trustees hold in trust all property belonging to the church, and take all necessary measures for its protection, management and upkeep. They determine the use of the church building by outside groups in consultation with the Deacon Ministry; and determine suitable charges to be made for such use. The Trustees secure and supervise the services of a caretaker at such salary as is authorized by the church. The Trustees transact all legal matters, with advice from an attorney, and sign all obligating documents on behalf of the church. The Trustee Ministry reviews all proposed purchases, recommends physical modifications, and maintains proper insurance coverage for all church property.

Finance Committee - The Finance Committee receives the collection of members’ tithes and offerings each Sunday and as appropriate. This committee ensures that all funds are deposited upon receipt. They inform the church body of monthly income and expenditures. The Finance Committee maintains an accurate record of the church's finance.

Christian Education Ministry - The Christian Education Ministry is responsible for the organization and administration of the educational program of the church. The Christian Education Ministry ensures that the church’s educational objectives and goals are met. The Christian Education Ministry is responsible for the educational needs of the church, making decisions concerning time schedules, educational use of physical resources and equipment, and the elimination and/or addition of classes.

Sunday School - The purpose of the Sunday School is to instruct students in the Word of God, Christian living, and encourage the unsaved to accept the gift of salvation. It provides the opportunity for students to acquire and increase biblical knowledge and to enhance their spiritual growth.

Vacation Bible School - The purpose of the Vacation Bible School is an occasion during the summer, to provide opportunities for instruction in God's Word. To introduce Christ to individuals and develop Christ-like character that they might grow in the knowledge of Christ. This serves as an environment for spiritual development and enrichment.

Alfred Chambers Memorial Scholarship Fund - The Reverend Alfred Chambers Memorial Scholarship Fund is named in honor of the first pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church. It provides supplementary financial assistance to those pursuing post-secondary, four-year and two-year undergraduate degrees that are members of First Missionary Baptist Church in "good standing".

After School Enrichment Program - The purpose of the After School Enrichment Program is to provide an opportunity for school grades 1-12 and college students to receive tutorial help with subjects such as math, reading, writing, science etc. to improve grades. Volunteers are welcome and encouraged to come out and support this program to ensure the students are guided in the right direction and understand the lesson homework. This program has a coordinator and assistant coordinator to provide the help along with volunteers to function under the leadership of the Christian Education Ministry leadership team.

New Members Orientation - New Members Orientation is an instructional class for those who unite with the First Missionary Baptist Church family. This class is designed to help the new member better understand God's desire for them; ways to express their faith; why our church exist; the purposes of our First Missionary Ministry and how they fit into the purposes, and what First Missionary believes. It also provides information on Christian history, Baptist doctrine, church ethics, etiquette, policy and programs. It encourages Spiritual growth and how that growth is strengthened and enhanced through prayer and Bible study.

Membership Enrichment

Army Leaders - Serve as liaison between Pastor, Deacons and members, provide update to army members concerning activities and special events, lead Army in Quarterly Building Fund efforts, meet on odd months with Pastor and Deacons to discuss Army events and, communicate with Deacons concerning updating the Army Lists.

The church membership is organized into groups known as Armies.

Church Armies - The Armies are organized by birth month. There are presently four (4) armies based upon the total membership and birth month. The four armies are Moses, Joshua, Gideon and David.

Moses: consists of members born in January, February, and March.
Joshua: consists of members born in April, May, and June.
Gideon: consists of members born in July, August, and September.
David: consists of members born in October, November, and December.
The combined Armies meet quarterly.

Deacon Army Advisors - In order to ensure church fellowship, communication of the church's mission and program, and assisting the membership in the growth of their faith and commitment, Deacons are assigned as caretakers to each of the Armies. See page four (4) for their contact information.

Men's Ministry - The mission of the Men's Ministry is to unite and spiritually equip the men of First Missionary Baptist Church while reaching others. Their mission goals include a support system for the men of the ministry. The Men's ministry strives to become more like Christ in all their actions. The Men's Ministry endeavors to serve their church, family, and community by putting Christ first. In this way, they surrender to God, strengthen their families, and serve the community.

Women's Ministry - The mission of the Women's Ministry is to unite and spiritually equip the women of First Missionary Baptist Church while reaching others. The Women's ministry strives to become more like Christ in all their actions. Their mission goals include a support system for the women of First Missionary Baptist Church through visitation, fellowship, and discussions pertaining to specific women topics. Further goals, with God's love, are to engage in strengthening their personal relationships with God.

Young Adult Ministry - The young adult ministry is responsible for promoting fellowship and encouragement for those who are young adult between the ages of 18 to 35. Single and married couples are invited to come out for spiritual

growth and, develop and encourage good relationships among ministry members.

Youth Ministry - The mission of the Youth Ministry is to awaken, nurture, and empower spirit filled young Disciples of Christ Jesus. The youth are taught biblically based truths, principles, and life-changing doctrines, which successfully prepare them to live godly lives. The Youth Ministry is involved in Bible Studies, topical discussions, and social activities. The responsibilities of the Youth Ministry are to instill Christian values and ideas, cultivate spiritual development, growth, and fellowship. They are provided training to lead the Sacred Worship Service, conduct meetings, and the use of proper etiquette.

Seniors Ministry - The seniors ministry is responsible for promoting “unity” among the seniors in the ministry, focus on the Seniors in the ministry (age 60 and above) and, assist the other ministries upon request.

Marriage Ministry - The marriage ministry is responsible for promoting a nurturing atmosphere for marriages that will allow husbands and wives to share and grow, provide tools to engaged and married couples and families for improving their communications and relationship with each other and with God, offer classes that are designed to help marriages heal and be strengthened through the Word of God and, encourage biblical understanding of the precepts of marriage so that God can be glorified in marriages.

Single’s Ministry - The single’s ministry is responsible for promoting fellowship and encouragement for those who are single, widowed, and/or divorced, promote an atmosphere and training for single adults to grow spiritually while connecting with other single adults, learn the plans God has for their lives, develop and encourage good relationships by way of recreational and spiritually centered activities with the goal of furthering the reach of God's hand in the church and the community.

Ministries of Help

Missionary Ministry - The mission of the Missionary Ministry is to make known the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved and backsliders. The mission is to help carry out the great commission as described in Matthews 28:19-20. The basic responsibility is evangelism, the confronting of each soul with the fact of his desperate need as a sinner, the impending judgment of God upon him, and the good news of Christ's death and resurrection for his personal salvation. The responsibilities of the Missionary Ministry include: promoting home and foreign missions; providing church leadership in support of mission related projects such as, Church outreach, Christmas in April, Nursing Home visitation, WARM Program and, providing meals for the Homeless Shelters.

Usher Ministry - The mission of the Usher ministry is to serve as doorkeeper. Doorkeepers are considered forerunners. They hold the responsibility for preparing the way or setting the tone for the worshipper's experience. The Usher ministry serves the ministry as the ones who meet, greet and seat worshippers. The Usher ministry focuses on maintaining order, during Sacred Worship. The responsibilities of the Usher Ministry are: to extend Christian warmth and hospitality to worshipers; to direct worshippers to their seats; to provide instruments essential for Sacred Worship such as Bibles, Hymnals, bulletins, fans for comfort and ensure that these instruments are replace as needed. They also ensure church etiquette is kept in and around the church at all times during the Sacred Worship Service.

Nurse's Ministry - The mission of the Nurse's ministry is to administer to the health and welfare concerns and necessities of all worshippers. Their primary concern is that all in attendance are able to experience health and healing. The responsibilities of the Nurse's Ministry are: administer first aid assistance to the congregation; be sensitive to the special health needs and concerns of worshippers; provide assistance during times of bereavement. They also maintain current first aid qualifications; ensure that necessary health equipment is available as needed and assist in attending to the needs of the pulpit; maintain accurate medical forms on all members.

Security Ministry - The security ministry provide a safe and comfortable environment during all sacred worship services, provide protection for the Pastor and members of First Missionary Baptist Church, maintain an accurate inventory of church property, maintain a roving patrol of both the interior and exterior of the Church during all sacred worship services, and provide a security presence for members of the Finance Committee as directed by the Pastor.

Hospitality Ministry - The hospitality ministry is responsible for extending agape love and hospitality to each visitor/guest, ensure each visitor is presented with a welcome packet that includes a current devotional calendar and Upper Room, acknowledge the guests at the appropriate time during the service and, ensure the welcome packages materials are available and in sufficient supply for our guests.

Transportation Ministry - The transportation ministry is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the church’s vans, provide shuttle services for members and friends of FMBC within a 20 mile radius of the church, equip each van with an emergency roadside kit to include emergency contact numbers and, establish guidelines for using the vans for non-church related purposes.

Culinary Arts Ministry - The culinary arts ministry is responsible for the planning and preparation of meals, set-up of the fellowship hall and other rooms under the guidance of the Pastor and Deacons, operation of the kitchen equipment, maintaining food safety standards and ensuring the kitchen and pantry areas are cleaned after each use and, establish policies and procedures for all servers and kitchen helpers.

Music and Arts

Music Ministry - The Music Ministry consists of the Sanctuary Choir, Male Chorus, Women Chorus, Youth Choir, and Voices of Praise. The mission of the Music Ministry is to spread the Word of God through song. The responsibilities of the Music Ministry are: to glorify God, lift up the name of Jesus, and to inspire an atmosphere in which the Holy Spirit leads us to a greater experience of Sacred Worship. The Music Ministry sing praises to God and attain greater dimensions of music presentation; grow spiritually; teach the Word of God through music; encourage each other to be dedicated, sincere, respectful, obedient, and attentive to the music instructor and, properly attired as a unified group.

For the 10:00 a.m. sacred worship service, choir members are required to gather for consecration prayer with the Pastor, Ministerial Staff, and Deacons in the designated area at 9:50 a.m. Choir members must not enter the choir loft after the choral response which follows the invocation.

The following schedule shall be followed for each choir to sing for the 10:00am sacred worship service:

First Sundays: Male Chorus
Second Sundays: Sanctuary Choir
Third Sundays: Youth Choir
Fourth Sundays: Women Chorus
Fifth Sundays: Pastor’s discretion
Voice of Praise: Sings at the discretion of the Pastor.
As directed by the Pastor, the choirs will sing as the combined choirs to support events.

Arts Ministries

Judah Praise Dance Ministry – Adults and Youth are responsible for lifting up the name of Jesus through dance, maintain a focus on Glorifying God, be properly attired as a unified group and, support FMBC worship services through praise dance when requested.

Drama Ministry – Will provide dramatic interpretations of the scriptures and exalt the name of Jesus Christ and create an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to communicate the principle and truths of God's word.  By helping people identify visually with these spiritual productions and thereby helping proclaim God's greatness to the membership and community at large. The drama ministry will produce two main productions per year or more at the Pastor’s discretion.


Audio Ministry - The mission of the Audio ministry is to enhance the Sacred Worship through the area of technical support. The responsibilities of the Audio Ministry are to provide technical support to Sacred Worship, church sponsored programs and events. Ensure that all microphones, batteries, CDs, and personnel are available for all services; ensure that CD’s of services and programs are available, ensure CD copies of the Sacred Worship are made available for the sick-and-shut-in members,

Public Relations Ministry - The mission of the Public Relations ministry is to publish and communicate with clarity and understanding, the Church's purpose, mission and goals to the church and community. The responsibilities of the Public Relations Ministry are to publish the church newsletter; develop and maintain the church website; originate all flyers, banners, and advertisements, for radio, TV, Newspapers, and Posters. Ensure that personnel are available to photograph church events as requested. Provides video support and ensure the FMBC website is current and functioning properly.